REHVA LMS User Agreement

By clicking ‘Agree’ I confirm the following:

  • I use my REHVA Learning Management System (LMS) account (Moodle platform) only on my behalf and furthermore perform all actions within the REHVA LMS only on my behalf.
  • I respect the training process’s integrity and honesty and prohibit the transferring of my REHVA LMS credentials (username and password) to others. During the REHVA LMS examination processes I shall avoid using additional sources of information.
  • I acknowledge that all learning materials and resources on the REHVA LMS are protected by copyright law. Any illegal reproduction and distribution of the learning materials and resources without the written permission of the REHVA team is strictly prohibited.
  • I oblige myself not to reproduce or distribute any of the learning materials and resources used, displayed and made available (e.g. download) via the REHVA LMS.

By clicking ‘Agree’ I confirm the following:

  • I use my REHVA Learning Management System (LMS) account (Moodle platform) only on my behalf and furthermore perform all actions within the REHVA LMS only on my behalf.
  • I respect the training process’s integrity and honesty and prohibit the transferring of my REHVA LMS credentials (username and password) to others. During the REHVA LMS examination processes I shall avoid using additional sources of information.
  • I acknowledge that all learning materials and resources on the REHVA LMS are protected by copyright law. Any illegal reproduction and distribution of the learning materials and resources without the written permission of the REHVA team is strictly prohibited.
  • I oblige myself not to reproduce or distribute any of the learning materials and resources used, displayed and made available (e.g. download) via the REHVA LMS.